Charles River CFO’s Human Resources and Search services can help clients recruit, retain, and manage their human capital and are tailored to meet an organization’s specific needs. We partner with you to ensure best practices, facilitate change, maximize employee engagement and develop an organizational strategy that works for your industry, team, culture, and unique needs.
What to Expect From Charles River CFO.
HR Project Support
Charles River CFO can provide outsourced HR professionals tailored to our client's needs. Whether it is general HR support, compensation planning, or an HR audit, clients benefit from HR professionals with specialized training and avoid the need to expand their headcount.
Interim, Part-time, & Consultative HR
Our HR professionals are an extension of your team, serving as a resource for all levels of the organization. Our HR consulting and advisory services provide strategic and tactical guidance in navigating difficult situations while providing practical solutions and a path to achieving positive outcomes.
Search Services
We are a high-touch recruiting partner working with each client for their non-financial staffing needs, developing a search strategy, sourcing, and interviewing quality candidates based on each client's timeline, unique needs, and culture. We are uniquely qualified to help clients recruit the best talent today for professionals, including sales, marketing, technology, and human resources.
Who Needs HR & Search Services?
There are several reasons you may opt for outsourcing services, including:
You experienced rapid staff growth and want to audit your compliance and HR best practices.
Your employee handbook is outdated or non-existent.
Your compensation policy and administration have not been reviewed in a few years.
Your annual insurance renewal is coming up, and you want to review options.
You are looking for fresh ideas for employee relations.
You want to focus staff on your business and outsource recruiting for faster, more cost-effective hiring.
Your knowledge of current digital best practices for recruiting is limited.
The firm would benefit from an external view of a new hire's job description and the company story for optimal sourcing.